This Vocal Warm Up is for Actors and Singers. No matter what genre you sing–country, pop, rock, hip hop, classical, you name it! Warm up your voice and your body with Dr. Roger Hale, music educator at Dixie State University. Scroll to the bottom for timestamps for each segment. This video was created specifically for Prof. Robert Jason of Nashville, TN and his Vocal Performance Workshop. He is a talented songwriter and producer with a very successful career! Check him out on the web:



Wake up the Body! 01:12
Shoulder Rolls 01:20
The Ladder Climb 01:39
Twist the Torso 02:32
Circular Toe Touches 02:46
Shake your Body out (The countdown) 04:00

Time to Sing (Vocal Warm up)05:26
The “Sigh” 05:33
Lip Trills 06:15
Descending 3rds “Ni Ah” 08:18
Zinga Ma Ma 09:26